Contact Us

Reach Out, Let's Connect

Division Scale, LLC dba Division Weigh To Go!

P.O. Box 30578
Memphis, TN 38130-0578

Phone: 901/331-5777
Fax: 901/328-6387

Email Division Systems

Weigh your Options, Then Choose Division!!

What We Do

Weight Information Technology
Division Weigh to Go, is a leading manufacturer of weight information technology devices and specialty conveying systems for the aviation and hotel industries.
Airport Luggage Scales
We offer a comprehensive range of Airline Baggage Scales for airport ticketing lobbies worldwide, benefiting both passengers and airlines.
Hotel Luggage Scales
We have recently introduced a new line of WIT Devices specifically designed for luxury hotels ensuring privacy, protection, and peace of mind for hotel guests.
Baggage Scales

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